Self storage that works for you
Simple. Book your storage and collection online or through the phone, your possessions are collected and stored in secure, climate controlled facility. We bring your them back when you need them. No hassle. No muscle.

Book your storage and collection online or through the phone.

Your items are stored in secure, climate controlled facility.

We bring your items back when you need them. No hassle.
Storage Units for Uckfield locals
Are you tired of self storage companies in Uckfield giving you the runaround? At easyStorage, we can’t promise you perfection but we can come pretty close to it. We’ve based our service on transparency which is great news for the clients who’ve had bad experiences with shady storage companies. Our self storage won’t increase in price during the length of your contract, and we’re half the storage cost of traditional storage. With the convenience of coming to your doorstep, we promise not to charge you for the van or the fuel when we collect your items. We can provide you with furniture storage for individuals and business storage for companies.
Our transparency extends to the business storage we offer, affording our clients the self storage they need. That doesn’t mean that you can’t request any of our other services. At an extra cost, we can provide you with moving packs and load your belongings into the van.
Situated along the River Uck, in the Wealden District of East Sussex is the town of Uckfield. Centred around Holy Cross Church on Belmont Road, the town has retained a lot of its medieval past. Today, visitors can learn more about the town through its buildings and annual festivals.
A recent festival in Luxford Field is Wield on the Field held in August. Celebrating street food and local produce, the entire event is soundtracked by live music. Visitors can enjoy the festival in August.
On the first Saturday in September, tourists and residents of the town enjoy the Uckfield Carnival. The carnival starts off the bonfire celebrations that are a tradition all around East Sussex.
Over Christmas, the Holy Cross Church hosts the Festival of Christmas Trees. Each year the event sees sponsors decorate Christmas trees in the dozens. The family event in the past has been successful in gathering crowds from all over. In 2016, a whopping 6,000 people came to view the 89 Christmas trees on display.
The Uckfield Blues and Roots Festival is an event for music lovers. In 2017, they celebrated their 5th anniversary. At the event, the town’s very own Rag‘n’Bone Man performed, otherwise known as Rory Charles Graham. Other jazz musicians that have performed throughout the years include Jo Harman, Ian Siegal, and Spikedrivers.
At each of the festivals in Uckfield, several stalls sell goods and food. To take part in any of the festivals, you may need storage in the months before or after the festival. If you’re looking for a dependable place to store your stall goods, consider easyStorage. Our secure storage ensures that there’s no damage to your belongings.
Uckfield is home to a vast array of outdoor treasures. Wilderness Wood is a woodland park that’s family-run. Over 62 acres, visitors can explore the network of trails that run through it.
In the middle of Ashdown Forest is Pippingford Park. On the estate are six lakes used as a coarse fishery. Other activities include adventure races, living history re-enactment, and mountain bike events. Brickfield Nature Reserve is on the edge of Ashdown Forest. With over 90% of Britain’s marshlands lost over 70 years, the nature reserve is a rare, unimproved place worth visiting.
Our self storage services Sussex are available to Peacehaven, Storrington, and Selsey to mention a few. With dependable service, flexible solutions, and affordable rates, we can help you meet your every storage need. We would love the chance to pre-book a storage solution for you. Contact us or request a call back to find out more today.