Self storage that works for you
Simple. Book your storage and collection online or through the phone, your possessions are collected and stored in secure, climate controlled facility. We bring your them back when you need them. No hassle. No muscle.

Book your storage and collection online or through the phone.

Your items are stored in secure, climate controlled facility.

We bring your items back when you need them. No hassle.
Storage Units for Uxbridge locals
Are you looking for self storage near Uxbridge? At easyStorage, we provide our secure storage solutions to many locations all over the UK. Besides Uxbridge, the areas we serve include Teddington, Tottenham, Vauxhall, Victoria, and more. easyStorage is here to make removal and storage easy. We are very affordable, too.
Another perk of easyStorage is that we will transport your belongings to our nearest self storage facility. When you are ready, we will send an easyPod to your door. Our easyStorage team will then load your belongings and seal the easyPod. Then, we will transport your things to our self storage facility near Uxbridge. We will not charge you extra for the van or the fuel.
What you wanted was “self storage near me”, isn’t that right? Now that you have found easyStorage, let’s take a closer look at the town of Uxbridge.
This suburban town is roughly 15 miles from Charing Cross.
Several historical events put Uxbridge on the map. During the English Civil War, King Charles I and the Parliamentary Army attempted negotiations here. The public house where this happened, now called the Crown & Treaty, is still there to see for visitors to Uxbridge.
Today, Uxbridge is a commercial centre and university town. Brunel University London is in Kingston Lane. Additionally, the local campus of Buckinghamshire New University sits on Oxford Road.
Perhaps you are a student in Uxbridge needing to store last year’s books and files, or a resident requiring furniture storage? easyStorage is your answer. We will take care of your precious belongings in our secure storage facility near Uxbridge. At easyStorage, we offer student-friendly self storage prices. Not only that, but we will keep the fees you signed up for the same for the duration of your self storage contract
Students and permanent residents alike often enjoy a night out on the town in Central London. Uxbridge, however, has its own fair share of pubs, bars, restaurants, and nightclubs. The Venue in the Hamilton Center at Brunel University, for example, is a popular nightclub with the student crowd in Uxbridge.
For a bite to eat, Nabrasa Brazilian Dining Experience on Bakers Road is a local favourite that also draws crowds from all over London. Here, for a flat fee, customers can eat all the grilled meat they want.
In addition to the Crown & Treaty on Oxford Road, there are many other historical landmarks in Uxbridge. The Battle of Britain Bunker on Wren Avenue was an aircraft operations room during the Second World War. Now an underground attraction, it is open for visits. St Margaret’s Church on Windsor Street is one of the oldest buildings in town. It is at least as old as 1245, according to historical documents currently kept at St George’s Chapel in Windsor.
Perhaps you have your own antiques needing self storage near Uxbridge. easyStorage aims to make your removal and storage journey as stress-free as possible. While easyStorage will make sure your home furniture is dry and safe, you can relax and explore everything to see and do in and around Uxbridge. We offer business storage, too!
If you have more questions about how easyStorage can serve you, feel free to visit our website or contact our staff. We’d love to hear from you!