Self storage that works for you
Simple. Book your storage and collection online or through the phone, your possessions are collected and stored in secure, climate controlled facility. We bring your them back when you need them. No hassle. No muscle.

Book your storage and collection online or through the phone.

Your items are stored in secure, climate controlled facility.

We bring your items back when you need them. No hassle.
Storage Units for Kingswinford locals
We bet you have landed on this page because you are looking for self storage space “near me” in Kingswinford. easyStorage cannot wait to help you with your removal and storage needs. With easyStorage, you have a guaranteed price. The price you sign will not change for the duration of your contract.
easyStorage also wants our client’s storage services to be hassle-free and convenient. We will help you in getting your things to your nearest self storage unit near Kingswinford. When all your belongings have been loaded in the easyPod and on the truck, our reliable team of storage experts will transport it to the nearest self storage facility. You can rest assured that your belongings will remain safe and secure in our easyStorage facility near Kingswinford until you are ready for them to be delivered back to you.
Let’s take the time to learn even more about Kingswinford.
The suburban town of Kingswinford in the West Midlands used to be a small village. Today, Kingswinford is a dormitory town to nearby Dudley. There are many commuting communities in Kingswinford. There are also small industrial businesses and a number of schools.
Just 3.5 miles from Kingswinford is Stourbridge which is home to the Red House Glass Cone. This cone-shaped building is used for the production of glass. There are hot glass blowing demonstrations every weekend and you can even buy some interesting and unique gifts to take home to your friends and family.
With easyStorage now serving Kingswinford, you have the peace of mind that any storage concern you might have will be taken care of. Not to mention that while easyStorage takes care of your storage, you have the opportunity to enjoy all the wonderful eateries on offer.
The eating places in Kingswinford range from coffee shops to taverns to restaurants, all offering various types of cuisine. Ashwood Nurseries Tea Room on Ashwood Lower Lane is great for both winter and summer. In the summer there is an outside garden and in the winter, customers stay warm next to the open fire. The Wall Heath Tavern on 14 High Street opens its menu to vegetarian and gluten-free customers.
Residents of and visitors to Kingswinford like to enjoy more exciting activities as well. Kingswinford Snooker Centre on Dawley Trading Estate, Stalling's Lane, is a very popular hang-out. It doesn’t matter if you are a pro, experienced, or brand new, there is something for everyone. Are you considering taking up this sport? Are you worried about where you will keep all your equipment when you are not using it? easyStorage will keep your equipment safe in your nearest self storage unit. When you feel like playing, you just say the word, and it will be returned to you.
Kingswinford is also a haven for the arts and crafts. Autumn Leaf Crafts on Parks Street is a craft centre with many different shops to browse. Bought too much? easyStorage can keep all your new arts and crafts supplies and equipment for you until you are ready to use them.
easyStorage’s self storage facilities are also available to areas near Kingswinford. Some of these include Burntwood, Bilston, Oldbury, and Erdington.
So, if you are wondering where to find the best storage facility “near me” in and around Kingswinford, look no further. For any queries or questions on how easyStorage can best be of service to you, visit our website or get in touch with one of our removal and storage agents.